Reflections on Honduras

Niel Singh from Vancouver, British Columbia reflects on his visit to UrbanPromise Honduras...


Honduras (the country, the cities, the villages), is a mixture of beauty and stark poverty. While sightseeing, we were astounded by the history and complexity of the Mayan ruins, we were stunned by the brilliant colours of the scarlet Macaws, and we still laugh about being chased by a psycho Toucan! The people of Honduras were, without exception, full of character, insight, beauty and treated us with love, care and attention. What a wonderful people.

Spending a few days helping the UP team at Camp Hope in Nueva Esperanza was inspiring. We had so much fun with the kids, wrestling, singing and playing in unknown languages. They would roll their eyes when I couldn’t understand their Spanish, then patiently repeat what they said veerrryyyy sloooowwlly… hoping that I would catch on. We were usually able to figure each other out, and if not, there was always the universal language of smiles.

Spending time with Matt, Rachel and Blair, as well as the teenleaders and the kids – it became clear they have a vision for UrbanPromise in Honduras that is greater than one camp, and even one town. Walking the cobblestone streets of Copan, and the dirt packed streets of Nuevo Esperanza, holding the hand of a young child, looking into trusting and joyful eyes, I am excited to see where these cobblestone streets will lead.


A Franciscan Benediction

“And may God Bless you with enough foolishness

To believe that you can make a difference in the world,

So that you can do what others claim cannot be done

To bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.


-Neil Singh

Visitor and supporter of UPH